Dr Claudia Defilippi

Claudia Defilippi is a Chilean gastroenterologist with interest in neurogastroenterology and gastrointestinal  motility disorders. She completed her medical training in 1994 at the University of Chile. She did her Internal Medicine (1994-1997) and Gastroenterology training (1998-2000) at the University Hospital, University of Chile, in Santiago. 

Her area of interest lies in the field of digestive motility and functional digestive disease. Dr Defilippi is the chief of the Oesophagus and Anorectal Motility Laboratory of the University Hospital, University of Chile and also works at Clinica Las Condes.  

Actually, is Associate Professor of the Internal Medicine Department and Gastroenterology Section at de University Hospital, University of Chile, Past president of the Chilean Gastroenterology Society, Vice president of the Latinoamerican Society of Neurogastroenterology and  Vice-Chair of the Scientific Program Committee of  the World Gastroenterology Organization.